Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hartwig Modrow*
Dipl.-Phys. I Patent Attorney I Senior Associate
provides legal advice in relation to application and grant procedures as well as in infringement and invalidity proceedings. His key professional focus is on the field of physics.
* In shared office.
Phone +49 7721 88380
Fax +49 7721 883850

- German Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
- Habilitation in physics
Focus areas:
- Application and grant procedures
- Validity and infringement proceedings
Technical focus:
- Physics
Career path and professional experience
- Studied physics at Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn
- Graduated with a degree in physics
- Research assistant at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
- Research assistant at Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn
- Doctoral thesis leading to the title “Dr. rer. nat. habil.”
- Research assistant and senior assistant during and after the habilitation in physics at Rhenish Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn
- Patent attorney training
– at Westphal, Mussgnug & Partner,
– at the CEIPI (Centre d’Etudes International de la Propriete Industrielle),
– at the German Patent and Trademark Office,
– at the Federal Patent Court,
– at a Patent Dispute Chamber of the District Court of Mannheim - Studied “Law for patent attorneys” at the Hagen Distance Learning University
- German Chamber of Patent Attorneys (PAK)
- Institute of Professional Representatives at the European Patent Office (EPI)
- International Federation of Patent Attorneys (FICPI)